If you are a seasoned network marketing professional, you probably have a quite big downline and people who already follow you so, once you’ve created your Fan Page, you can simply invite them to like your page, ask them to invite their friends and then start posting valuable content so you will gradually attract more and more people that resonate with your message.
If you just started out in network marketing, the fastest way to build a loyal following of people who know, like and trust you is to use the Facebook Advertising Service, which is the best Ad service on the marketplace as of now.
For example, you can target one ad to 20-to-60 years old people, who live in New York and follow a specific network marketing trainer, such as Eric Worre.
Or send another ad to young people all over Australia who are into health & wellness (if you are part of a nutritional company).
Or target stay-at-home parents in Europe who would like to earn an additional income from home.
The possibilities are endless...
So, what should you do next?